The Memory Policy in the Caucasus after 1989: a Theoretical Basis for the War Narrative in Chechnya

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Southern Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article examines the strategic war narrative as a tool used by the state after 1989 to justify the start of a war or justify its end. Based on the understanding of this term, introduced into the popular science turnover by M. Vlahos, the author of the article expands the conceptual framework by referring to the narrative principle of collective memory by J. Verch. It is concluded that the war narrative is partly similar to the concept of mnemonic security (as well as other hegemonic forms of memory), which is tested on the A. Pető's concept. A review of key domestic and foreign research works on the topic is carried out. The key elements of the war narrative (symbols, sacrifice, etc.) within political dimension are identified, as well as the victory narrative, which was in demand in the first months of V. V. Putin (coinciding with the outbreak of hostilities in Chechnya in the period since 1999 and the continuation until 2009 in the form of counter-terrorism measures on the territory of the republic and the border regions of the North Caucasus).

Keywordsmemory policy, instability, war narrative, Chechnya, Caucasus, historical memory, victory narrative
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation within the framework of the project № 17-18-01411-P “Wars and the population of the South of Russia in the 18th — early 21st centuries: history, demography, anthropology”.
Publication date15.11.2021
Number of characters53153
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