Mahkmudkhodja Behbudiy about the Turkestan Representation in the State Duma of the Russian Empire (Based on Publications in the “Native Newspaper of Turkestan”)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article is dedicated to one of the most prominent and influential social and political figures of Turkestan Mahkmudkhodja Behbudiy. Like many enlighteners and reformers of the early twentieth century he enthusiastically and hopefully met the October Manifesto. Many contemporaries called the first experience of building a parliamentary system in the Russian Empire “The Duma of Hope”. For Behbudiy and Turkestan Jadid reformers the Duma tribune was perceived as a platform for political dialogue, opening up opportunities for serious economic, social and political reforms in Turkestan. Behbudiy used every opportunity to convey to his compatriots the full importance of the empire that took place in the socio-political life. He shared his thoughts with his compatriots particularly on the pages of the “Native newspaper of Turkestan”.

KeywordsBehbudiy, Turkestan, State Duma, the periodical press, the “Native newspaper of Turkestan”
Publication date21.06.2021
Number of characters47109
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