Experience of Historical Time Perception and Dissatisfaction with the Temporal Regime

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article traces the variants and causes of emotionally colored dissatisfaction with the temporal regime. The concept of Z. Bauman's retrotopia with its division of “solid” and “liquid” images of society and time is interpreted in the context of A. Assmann's research of transformations of the Modern chronotope in the later Modern time. The author shows the initial contradictions of the objective and subjective, normative, and relational components of the model of historical time, formed at the end of the 18th — 19th centuries, and their aggravation in the conditions of the crisis of progressivism ideals in the late 19th — 20th centuries. As examples, we consider the ideas of historicism and historicity of J. M. Chladenius, J. G. Droysen, E. Troelch, M. Weber, K. Mannheim, K. Popper, P. Tillich, M. Werner, and B. Zimmermann. The article demonstrates the connection between progressivism ideas, their value load and normative perspectivization, the “solid” and transparent image of time, in which time acquires the properties of the acting and target causes of history. The experience of blurring the “solid” model of time into a “liquid”, subjective and relational model, as well as emotional reactions to this process, is considered using the material of the concepts of historical and non-historical of F. Nietzsche, temporalism and eternalism of P. Sorokin, which allows a deeper understanding of the concept of Z. Bauman. The need of Nietzsche, Sorokin, and Bauman for “solid” temporal models is analyzed in the context of the processes of globalization and the development of consumer society using the concept of the “process of civilization” by N. Elias, the theory of informalization of behavior by C. Wouters and various trends of post-Marxism, in particular the Essex school of discourse analysis and the idea of discursive hegemony.

Keywordsprogress, late Modernity, solid time, liquid time, past that has not passed, historical memory, anthropological turn, thick description, informalisation, reformalisation, discursive hegemony, counter-hegemony
Publication date17.05.2021
Number of characters61375
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