The French State in the Erudite Discourse in the 17th Century (the Example of André and François Duchesnes’ Heritage)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

The new historical writing, which in France may be rightfully called erudite, had been emerging in Europe concurrently with the formation of the absolutist power structures. The seventeenth century in France saw the rise of such notions as raison d’état and such phenomena as Richelieu’s state system of propaganda and quick growth of state machinery. Closely connected with both French royal court and bureaucracy, French erudites were highly involved in the seventeenth-century socio-political processes ex-officio. And in their studies they dealt with the problems concerning the ideas of power, state institutions, etc. as well. A series of four such works by an erudite dynasty of the Duchesnes (which also had been a dynasty of royal historiographers) demonstrates different types of treatment of the l’état moderne subject area in the erudite studies as well as the erudites’ strategy of making the absolute monarchy.

KeywordsFrance, seventeenth century, historical writing, erudite, André Duchesne, François Duchesne, state
Publication date31.10.2020
Number of characters32975
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