Bureaucratic Field of Power of the Papal Curia of the Avignon Period: the Cardinal College

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Donetsk National University
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article examines the process of structuring the bureaucratic field of the ecclesiastical authority of the Avignon period using the example of the college of cardinals. The papal curia is the administrative, ideological and political center of the Christian world and at the same time the consolidated power group. The process of bureaucratization and complication of the administrative apparatus increased the power capabilities of popes. Ceremonial, legal, diplomatic, documentary and cultural practices of the College of Cardinals promote making the “court society”, desining and institutionalizing its norms and rules. The community of cardinals appears as a corporation, formally constituted, with a certain legal status, social and symbolic hierarchy, included in the public curial space. The corporatism of the Sacred Сollege could not but lead to attempts to expand its autonomy, powers and prerogatives.

Keywordspapal curia, college of cardinals, conclave, primaty, legat, nuncio, sedentarization, court community, vice chancellor, camerary
Publication date31.10.2020
Number of characters37668
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