On the Directions of Improving the Mechanism of Judicial Power in Ensuring the Fairness of Justice

Название публикации (др.)О направлениях совершенствования механизма судебной власти в обеспечении справедливости правосудия
Код статьиS102694520015632-6-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Аффилиация: Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Адрес: Russian Federation, Moscow
Название журналаИстория

The problems of improving the mechanism of fairer justice are considered. The author is convinced that justice is a feeling, and it is not formalized, it is subjective, and therefore it is impossible to induce (force, etc.) a judge to make more just judicial acts. But it is possible to legislate, organizationally and scientifically (that is, from the outside) to ensure that the judge more fully realizes his sense of justice in the administration of justice. The article examines the problems of selecting candidates for judges who are initially predisposed to commit more just actions; collective intelligence in the judicial process, which provides a fairer justice than that of a single judge; deep specialization throughout the entire vertical of the judicial system, based on the premise that a judge specializing in a narrow category of cases becomes a high-level professional, therefore, the judicial acts rendered by him are more fair.

Аннотация (др.)Рассматривается проблематика совершенствования механизма правосудия в направлении усиления его справедливости. Автор убежден, что справедливость — это чувство, и оно не формализуется, оно субъективно, и поэтому невозможно побудить (принудить и проч.) судью выносить более справедливые судебные акты. Но можно законодательно, организационно и научно (то есть извне) обеспечить реализацию судьей в более полной мере своего чувства справедливости при осуществлении правосудия. В статье исследуются проблемы: отбора кандидатов в судьи, изначально предрасположенных к совершению более справедливых поступков; коллективного разума в судопроизводстве, обеспечивающего более справедливое правосудие по сравнению с судопроизводством единоличного судьи; углубленной специализации по всей вертикали судебной системы, исходя из посылки, согласно которой специализирующийся на рассмотрении узкой категории дел судья становится профессионалом высокого уровня, следовательно, выносимые им судебные акты более справедливы.
Ключевые словамеханизм правосудия, справедливость, судья, судопроизводство
Источник финансированияThis article is a translation of: Клеандров М. И. О направлениях совершенствования механизма судебной власти в обеспечении справедливости правосудия // Государство и право. 2021. № 3. C. 7—23. DOI: 10.31857/S102694520014034-8
Дата публикации25.06.2021
Кол-во символов68580
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In the modern scientific literature, it is noted: “A lot has been done to improve justice in modern times. But the paradox is that the respect for Russian judges maybe even less than for Soviet judges”1. One can argue with the categorical nature of this statement by bringing various arguments, but one thing is indisputable — there should be clearly more respect in society for Russian judges than it is today. Above all, in terms of ensuring that judges administer fairer justice (after all, it is unlikely that anyone will unconditionally assert that justice in our country, as in the rest of the world, is flawlessly fair).

1. Amosov S. M. To the Question of Free Justice // State and Law. 2020. № 10. P. 137.

And this despite the fact that a uniform understanding of justice in general, justice in law, and fair justice is substantively lacking. In the philosophical work of the founder of the theory of justice, J. Rawls2, one can count about 700 approaches to understanding justice; an extensive collection of views on justice in modern philosophical literature is presented in the New Philosophical Encyclopedia3; different positions in the understanding of justice are considered in works on the philosophy of law4 and directly on law5. Even international approaches to understanding fairness of justice have been developed in the form of standardized international and national practices6.

2. See: Rawls J. A Theory of Justice / transl. from English: V. Tselishchev, V. Karpovich, A. Shevchenko. Novosibirsk, 1995.

3. See: New Philosophical Encyclopedia: in 4 vols. M., 2001. Vol. 3. P. 622—624 (author of the article — A. A. Guseynov).

4. See, for example: Savenkov A. N. Philosophy of Law, Legal Thinking, and Global Problems of Modern Civilization // Transformation of the Paradigm of Law in the Civilizational Development of Mankind: Reports of Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences / under the general ed. of A. N. Savenkov. M., 2019. P. 9; Philosophy of Law. Dictionary / general ed. and comp. by V. N. Zhukov. M., 2020. P. 660.

5. See, for example: Chechelnitsky, I. V. Justice and Law-Making. M., 2017; Karpov N. N. Justice as a Characteristic of the Object of Constitutional and Legal Relations // Herald of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. 2019. No. 2 (70). P. 59—64; Chernenko A. K. Justice as a Principle of Formation of the Legal System // Theoretical Problems of the Formation of the Legal System of Russia. Novosibirsk, 1999. P. 35—50; Lectorsky V. A. Law May Not Be Contrary to the Ideal of Justice // Philosophy of Law at the Beginning of 21st century Through the Prism of Constitutionalism and Constitutional Economics. M., 2010. P. 90—93.

6. See Standards of Fair Justice (International and National Practices). M., 2012.

But there are no generally accepted definitions of the concepts of “fairness”, as well as “fairness of justice”, although they have been developed and presented by lawyers in a huge number. According to the deep conviction of the writer of these lines, it cannot exist, since fairness is a feeling inherent — in the biological world — only to man, it is not formalized, it is akin to feelings of love, happiness, conscience ... And no feeling can be measured by any of the most accurate measuring devices, it cannot be strengthened or weakened either with medication or under the influence of hypnotic suggestion or through persistent training, it apparently cannot be transmitted through the training and/or education, etc. It seems to be not only inexplicable but also cannot be explained, which means that in the near future, artificial intelligence will not be able to administer fair justice.


However, if we are talking about modern subjects — participants in legal proceedings, by reference to the problems of today where we can are already trace — in the vector under consideration — the problems of the near future. For instance, as you know, a few years ago, the government of Saudi Arabia granted the citizenship of its state to the robot Sofia, thereby turning it, obviously, from a legal object to a legal subject, who, as it is also obvious, has the rights and obligations of a citizen, including in the field of justice. To what extent does this Sofia (as well as future robotic systems, artificial intelligence, etc., endowed with citizenship) fit into the current mechanism of justice, or should it be updated in order to ensure fairness, taking into account the emergence of such unusual (in the current worldview) subjects to law?


An even more distant (in temporal terms) problem was identified by the well-known futurologist Y.N. Harari. He writes: “As algorithms push humans out of the job market, wealth might become concentrated in the hands of the tiny elite that owns the all-powerful algorithms. . Today, millions of taxi drivers, bus drivers and truck drivers have significant economic and political clout, each commanding a tiny share of the transportation market. If their collective interests are threatened, they can unionise, go on strike, stage boycotts and create voting blocks. However, once millions of human drivers are replaced by a single algorithm, all that wealth and power will be cornered by corporations that own the algorithms, and by a handful of billionaires who own the corporations.


Alternatively, the algorithms might themselves become the owners. Human law already recognises intersubjective entities like corporations and nations as «legal persons». Though Toyota or Argentina has neither a body nor a mind, they are subject to international laws, they can own land and money, and they can sue and be sued in court.  We might soon grant similar status to algorithms. An algorithm could then own a transportation empire or a venture-capital fund without having to obey the wishes of any human master”7. Hardly anyone will doubt that with such a composition of legal participants to the proceedings, the mechanism of fair justice should (and will) be fundamentally different from the current one.

7. Harari Yu. N. Homo Deus. A Brief History of the Future / transl. from English by A. Andreeva. M., 2020. P. 377, 378.

There may also be a “black swan” effect, which will lead to a radical change in the paradigm of the human worldview of/attitude to fairness.

8 However, all this is more along the lines of whether it will be or not, and even if it happens, most likely, it will not happen soon. But what is sure to happen, and not in the very distant future, is the correction of the human essence with the help of genetic engineering, nanotechnology, neurocomputer interfaces, etc. This will definitely expand the mental spectrum of each individual and society as a whole. Be that as it may, this does not negate the need to keep an eye on this issue in terms of fundamental legal science, as well as philosophy, sociology, and psychology...

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