N.M. Dobrynin. The fundamentals of the Constitutional (State) Law of the Russian Federation: 100 questions and answers. Modern version of the newest history of the state. Practical manual. 5th ed., revised and amended. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2018. 811 p.

Publication type Review
Source material for review
Status Published
Affiliation: Ural State Law Universit
Address: Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 12

The review provides an expert assessment of the revised and amended edition of the practical manual “The Fundamentals of the Constitutional (State) Law of the Russian Federation: 100 Questions and Answers. A contemporary version of the newest history of the State”, published in 2018 by Doctor of Law Nikolai M. Dobrynin. It is noted that the author’s approach to structure of the study materials is quite innovative, and the new version of the practical manual is deeply revised and improved. The book is recommended for the use in the course of study process.

KeywordsConstitutional (State) Law, school-book, constitutionalism, welfare-state, sovereignty
Publication date22.12.2018
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