Moral and psychological foundations of the special military operation in Ukraine and the criminal liability of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis for crimes against the peace and security of mankind

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Department Criminal Procedure of Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Affiliation: Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 9

In the article, using the methodology of system analysis an integrated approach using the ethical concepts of good and evil and other categories of general and professional ethics, the moral and psychological foundations of the special military operation in Ukraine and the criminal liability of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, their NATO accomplices for crimes against the peace and security of mankind are considered. By implementing this special military operation, Russia is acting on the side of Good, as evidenced by the humanistic orientation of this method of warfare to protect people from genocide and other crimes against the peace and security of mankind committed by the neo-Nazi Kiev political regime acting on the side of world evil and its Western allies - NATO countries led by the United States of America, arming Ukrainian neo-Nazis and their Western mercenaries with modern lethal weapons. The fact that Russia is acting on the side of Good and not evil in this armed struggle is also evidenced by the humane style of this special operation, during which Russian servicemen show not only humanism, but also patriotism, courage, courage and heroism. For our servicemen acting on the side of Good, these high moral and psychological qualities in extreme situations of a special military operation are manifested in inseparable unity with noble rage and reasonable determination, which in a combat situation act as a kind of spiritual catalysts that ensure the manifestation of genuine courage, courage, heroism and patriotism in the behavior of sane people.

Keywordssystem analysis, an integrated approach using the conceptual apparatus of general and professional ethics, the moral and psychological foundations of the special military operation in Ukraine and the criminal liability of Ukrainian neo-Nazis acting on the side of world evil for crimes against the peace and security of mankind, humanism, patriotism, courage, courage, heroism, noble rage and reasonable determination of the Russian participants acting on the side of Good special military operation in Ukraine
Publication date29.09.2023
Number of characters36376
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