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1. Berdyaev N.A. K. Leontiev – the philosopher of reactionary romanticism // K.N. Leontiev: Pro et contra: personality and creativity of K. Leontiev in the assessment of Russian thinkers and researchers, 1891 - 1917: anthology: in 2 books. Book 1 / afterword and note by A.P. Kozyrev. SPb., 1995. P. 216 (in Russ.).
2. Berdyaev N.A. On the appointment of a person. M., 1993. P. 91, 92, 94 (in Russ.).
3. Berdyaev N.A. Russian idea // About Russia and Russian philosophical culture. Philosophers of the Russian post-October abroad: collection / comp. M.A. Maslin; intro. art. M.A. Maslin, A.L. Andreeva. M., 1990 (in Russ.).
4. Berdyaev N.A. The Fate of Russia / afterword by K. Kovalev. M., 1990. P. 30 (in Russ.).
5. Bulgakov S.N. The light of the evening. Contemplation and speculation. M., 1994. P. 336, 338 (in Russ.).
6. Danilevsky N. Ya. Russia and Europe. M., 2003. P. 116, 117, 132, 135, 149 (in Russ.).
7. Dostoevsky F.M. Explanatory word about the speech about Pushkin printed below // Dostoevsky F.M. The writer's Diary. SPb., 1999. P. 664 (in Russ.).
8. Eurasianism. The experience of systematic presentation // The Ways of Eurasia. The Russian intelligentsia and the fate of Russia: collection / comp., intro. art., comment. I.A. Isaev. M., 1992 (in Russ.).
9. Zhukov V.N. Russian Philosophy of Law: from Rationalism to Mysticism. M., 2013. P. 54, 180 (in Russ.).
10. Zhukov V.N. Philosophy of Law: textbook for students of universities. 3rd ed., reprint and add. M., 2023. P. 129 - 133, 135 (in Russ.).
11. Zaitsev B.K. Word about the Motherland // Russian idea / comp. and auth. introduction by M.A. Maslin. M., 1992. P. 376 (in Russ.).
12. Ilyin I.A. On the Russian idea // Ilyin I.A. Collected works: in 10 vols. M., 1993. Vol. 2. Book 1. P. 419, 425, 427, 429 - 431 (in Russ.).
13. Ilyin I.A. On the essence of legal consciousness // Ilyin I.A. Collected works: in 10 vols. M., 1994. Vol. 4. P. 231, 232, 235, 236, 262, 309 (in Russ.).
14. Ilyin I.A. Russia is a living organism // Ilyin I.A. Collected works: in 10 vols. M., 1993. Vol. 2. Book 1. P. 301 (in Russ.).
15. Kareev N.I. On the spirit of Russian Science // Russian Idea / comp. and auth. introduction by M.A. Maslin. M., 1992. P. 174, 177–179 (in Russ.).
16. Kartashev A.V. Essays on the history of the Russian Church. Vol. 1 - 2. Paris, 1959. Vol. 2. P. 155, 156 (in Russ.).
17. Kistyakovsky B.A. Social Sciences and Law // Kistyakovsky B.A. Philosophy and Sociology of Law. SPb., 1998. P. 211, 216, 360, 396 (in Russ.).
18. Klyuchevsky V.O. Russian History. The complete course of lectures: in 3 books M., 1997. Book 2. Reprint. P. 388 - 390 (in Russ.).
19. Korkunov N.M. History of Philosophy of Law. M., 2011. P. 233 (in Russ.).
20. Korkunov N.M. Lectures on the General theory of law. SPb., 2003. P. 44, 45 (in Russ.).
21. Leontiev K.N. Byzantism and Slavism // East, Russia and Slavic. Philosophical and political journalism. Spiritual prose (1872 - 1891). M., 1996. P. 127 - 129, 132, 142 (in Russ.).
22. Maslin M.A. “Great ignorance of Russia...” // Russian idea / comp. and auth. introductory article M.A. Maslin. M., 1992. P. 7, 16 (in Russ.).
23. Novgorodtsev P.I. State and Law // Questions of Philosophy and Psychology. 1904. Books 74 - 75. P. 444, 510, 511, 522 (in Russ.).
24. Novgorodtsev P.I. Moral idealism in the Philosophy of Law // Problems of idealism: collection of articles by S.N. Bulgakov et al. / ed. by P.I. Novgorodtsev. M., 1902 (in Russ.).
25. Struve P.B. Patriotica. Politics, culture, religion, socialism / introductory article and note by V.N. Zhukov. M., 1997. P. 51, 61, 88 (in Russ.).
26. Trubetskoy E.N. Old and new national Messianism // Trubetskoy E.N. The meaning of life. M., 1994. P. 350 (in Russ.).
27. Fedotov G.P. Will Russia exist? // About Russia and Russian Philosophical Culture. Philosophers of the Russian post-October abroad: scollection / comp. M.A. Maslin; intro. art. M.A. Maslin, A.L. Andreeva. M., 1990. P. 460 (in Russ.).
28. Fedotov G.P. Letters about Russian culture // Fedotov G.P. Fate and sins of Russia: in 2 vols. SPb., 1991. Vol. 2. P. 178 (in Russ.).