On strengthening public principles in the legal regulation of entrepreneurship

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Researcher, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Corporate Research Center for Problem Research Justice of the Russian State University Justice; Member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court оf Russian Federation
Affiliation: Russian Academy of justice
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 4

The article considers entrepreneurial activity as the component of the foundations of the economic system of Russian Federation, as a multidimensional economic and legal concept. The legal regulation of entrepreneurship is of a diversified nature, in which civil legislation is of system-forming importance. It is proposed in the article to strengthen public principles in regulating the goals of the activities of commercial organizations, the inclusion of small and medium-sized businesses in the general outline of civil legal regulation, determining the place and role of the obligation associated with the implementation of entrepreneurial activity in relation to the transaction and the contract.

Keywordsentrepreneurial activity, civil legislation, small and medium-sized businesses, commercial organizations, consumer cooperative, individual entrepreneur, enterprise, transaction, invalidity of the transaction, contract, obligation related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity
Publication date28.04.2023
Number of characters17825
100 rub.
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