Problems of unification of criminal liability individuals globally

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: President
Affiliation: Association of Lawyers of the Black Sea-Caspian Region
Address: Azerbaijan, Baku
Occupation: Director
Affiliation: Center for Legal Research
Address: Azerbaijan, Baku
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 2

The article analyzes the problems of unification at the global level of the minimum age of criminal responsibility, types and categories of crimes committed by an individual, as well as issues of standardization of the types, nature and upper limits of criminal punishment. The problem posed has a long history. It was the subject of permanent discussion in the early twentieth century. So, starting Since 1928, the question of the unification of criminal responsibility has been periodically considered within the walls of the League of Nations. But, as the analysis shows, they were unsuccessful, including because these attempts were selective in nature and concerned only certain types of crimes. In today's globalizing world, when the fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen are the subject of regulation not only national legislation, but also International Law, there is an urgent need for global unification of not only all types and categories of crimes committed by individuals, but also the minimum age of criminal responsibility, types of criminal penalties, its upper limits and methods of implementation.

Keywordsage, crime, punishment, euthanasia, children, abortion, unification, corporal punishment, women, death penalty
Publication date15.03.2023
Number of characters42126
100 rub.
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