History of court and justice in Russia: in 9 vols / res. eds. V.V. Ershov, V.M. Syrykh. Vol. 9. History of constitutional justice in Russia / V.A. Kryazhkov, M.A. Mityukov

Код статьиS102694520022212-4-1
Тип публикации Рецензия
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Должность: доцент департамента публичного права факультета права
Аффилиация: Высшая школа экономики
Адрес: Российская Федерация,
Должность: профессор кафедры конституционного и муниципального права
Аффилиация: Юридический факультет МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова
Адрес: Российская Федерация
Название журналаГосударство и право
ВыпускНомер 9

В рецензии представлено издание, посвященное истории становления и развития отечественного конституционного контроля. Рецензируемая книга – единственный в своем роде труд, максимально полно описывающий основные этапы эволюции конституционного правосудия в России. Живым и интересным языком авторы раскрывают богатый историко-правовой материал – от Наказов Екатерины II, вдохновленных идеями Просвещения, и до последствий конституционных изменений 2020 г. Взвешенный академический подход позволил авторам показать все многообразие позиций, существующих в науке относительно различных аспектов формирования, организации и деятельности Конституционного Суда РФ и прийти к обоснованным выводам о специфике российской модели конституционного правосудия, её укорененности в правовом порядке и особенностях взаимодействия с иными субъектами конституционно-правовых отношений. Книга заставляет задуматься о смыслах и последствиях преобразований института конституционного контроля в России, в частности о масштабных изменениях, запущенных конституционной реформой 2020 г., и о тех вызовах, с которыми предстоит иметь дело в условиях обновленной конфигурации Конституционного Суда РФ.

Ключевые словаКонституционный Суд РФ, историография конституционного правосудия, Верховный Суд СССР, Комитет конституционного надзора СССР, конституционные (уставные) суды субъектов Российской Федерации, конституционная реформа.
Дата публикации28.09.2022
Кол-во символов14012
100 руб.
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1 The role of the constitutional review in the democratic legal order is vital. Its significance is determined by the essential role that constitutional courts play in ensuring the supremacy of the national constitution and protection of fundamental human rights from violations by the current ruling majority. A constitutional court ensures that the constitution preserves its key features (supremacy, direct effect, the basis for current legislation, etc.), and creates the prerequisites for the constitution to have a real impact on the political and legal systems. The general idea that the meaning of the basic law shall be determined by a body of constitutional review is firmly rooted in the majority of modern legal orders. However, the effectiveness of such a review model may be compromised by the existing rules of constitutional interpretation, the regulation of the powers of constitutional review bodies, the distortion of the system of checks and balances, etc.
2 The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has its specific characteristics – in terms of both formation and functioning. The Russian legal scholarship has produced many studies devoted to its operation, but, admittedly, to a great extent, they focus on the formal aspects of the Court’s status (peculiarities of the formation of the Court, its powers, the role in the system of separation of powers, the status of judges) or its decisions in specific areas. The demand for academic research that looks into the essence of constitutional justice is becoming more and more noticeable1. 1. See, for example: Konstitutsionnyy Sud Rossii: Osmysleniye Opyta [The Constitutional Court of Russia: reflections on the experience] / ed. A. Medushevsky. M., 2022; Kravets I.A. Konstitutsionnoye Pravosudiye. Teoriya Sudebnogo Konstitutsionnogo Prava i Praktika Sudebnogo Konstitutsionnogo Protsessa [Constitutional Justice: Theory of Judicial Constitutional Law and Practice of Judicial Constitutional Process]. M., 2017.
3 The book of V.A. Kryazhkov and M.A. Mityukov is one of the few fundamental works in the field of constitutional justice in Russia. In is written for the audience who strives to understand why constitutional review functions in a peculiar way in Russia, and for this purpose, connects the history of its development with its present features and challenges. The publication is unprecedented, in the sense that the authors have set and brilliantly fulfilled the task of interdisciplinary – historical and constitutional – analysis of the origins, formation and development of judicial constitutional review in Russia.
4 The book consists of seven sections, encompassing 24 chapters. The sections are devoted to the historiography of constitutional justice in Russia (Section 1); its origins in late 18th - early 20th centuries (Section 2); judicial constitutional supervision in 1924 - 1933 (Section 3); views, projects and institutional prerequisites for constitutional review in the 1930s - early 1990s (Section 4); the creation of the Constitutional Court of Russia and its activity during the first years (1990 - 1993) (Section 5); modernization of the status and the performance of the Russian Constitutional Court (1993 - 2000s) (Section 6); constitutional justice in the federated units of Russia (Section 7). This reasonable structure, aimed at achieving an ambitious academic task, is explained in the very beginning of the book, and the authors strictly follow their plan.
5 The authors have meticulously thought through the methodology of their study. Along with the formal legal method, they make use of an interdisciplinary approach which enables them to combine the research tools and apparatus of political science, sociology and psychology of law. The legal analysis is also enriched by the appropriate use of comparative and historical research methods.
6 As a result, the authors have managed to present an impressive coverage of the history of constitutional justice in Russia – from the Orders of Catherine II, inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment, to the extensive constitutional reform 2020. This overview has provided the authors with the evidence that “the ideas of judicial constitutional review have taken over two centuries to form and become an integral part of Russian constitutionalism” (p. 112). The book does not simply point out, but lucidly explains the theoretical and practical significance of the constituent elements of this process: government (official) projects, constitutional ideas of the late 18th century, projects of the Decembrists and liberal constitutionalists of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, political discussion and normative design of the system of constitutional supervision in the Soviet Russia, prerequisites for the institutionalization of constitutional review in the end of the 20th century, reforms of the Russian Constitutional Court.
7 Noteworthy, the authors devote their attention to the struggle of ideas related to the rise of constitutional review in the country. One of the most valuable features of this book is that in addition to the voices of the epochs, it reproduces the voices of specific people – scholars, politicians, judges and even ordinary citizens. It must be admitted that such an approach (presenting historical eras, large-scale phenomena, significant events through the “eyes” of actual participants) plays a special role in historical studies. Having adopted this approach to constitutional scholarship, the authors have managed to publish a volume rich in theoretical insights, as well as personal reflections and comments of the observers.

Цена публикации: 100

Всего подписок: 0, всего просмотров: 338

Оценка читателей: голосов 0

1. История суда и правосудия в России: в 9 т. / отв. ред. В.В. Ершов, В.М. Сырых. Т. 9. История конституционного правосудия в России / В.А. Кряжков, М.А. Митюков. М., 2022. С. 108, 109, 112, 119, 169, 184, 231, 236, 237, 260, 304, 343, 370, 383, 403–405, 460, 488, 509, 539.

2. Конституционный Суд России: осмысление опыта / ред. А. Медушевский. М., 2022.

3. Кравец И.А. Конституционное правосудие. Теория судебного конституционного права и практики судебного конституционного процесса. М., 2017.

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