Constitutional futurology and constitutional futurism in the context of global changes

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the Department of constitutional and legal studies of the Russian state University of justice
Affiliation: Russian State University of Justice
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 5

The article presents a systematic view of the author's idea of a new legal science-constitutional futurology and a new Institute of law - constitutional futurism. The author emphasizes the relevance of the topic in the context of global changes. The complexity of legal regulation on the background of global structural changes in the life of people, social and political communities in the era of modern technology actualized the prognostic tasks of legal science.

Proceeding from the logic of the study from the general to the particular, the first part of the article is devoted to the consideration of the concepts of legal futurology and futuristic law, determining their place in legal science and the system of law. It is proved that the overall paradigm determines law constitutional futurology, which is like a sub sector of the legal futurology is responsible for the formation of the constitutional space based on fundamental constitutional matrix of legal development, i.e. the constitution which adequately serve the needs of objective civilizational progress at the level of states and the international community. Constitutional futurology predetermines the development of constitutional futurism - as a special inter-sectoral institution of futuristic law and Constitutional Law, ensuring progressive constitutional development.

The second part deals with the subject and objectives of constitutional futurology. Constitutional futurology in the author's understanding is a branch of legal science, the subject of which is knowledge about the future of constitutional development, that is, the trends, forecasts, strategies and tactics of constitutional development. The subject of constitutional futurology predetermines the need to solve certain theoretical and practical problems, which are formulated in this article.

The third part reveals the trends of constitutional development as a key subject of constitutional futurology. According to the author, within the framework of constitutional futurology it is necessary to analyze such trends of constitutional development as the transformation of the concept of the constitution; expansion of the subject of constitutional regulation; convergence of constitutional and international public relations; internationalization of the constitution and the emergence of the phenomenon of global constitutionalism; formation of constitutional axiology; moralization of the constitution; humanization and socialization of constitutions; the emergence of new doctrines of the constitutional ideal based on constitutional compromise in the crisis of liberal-democratic and other existing doctrines of the constitution.

The fourth part highlights the key aspects of constitutional futurism as a new intersectoral institute of futuristic law and constitutional law, designed to model a system of principles and norms governing relations for the implementation of the forecast, the development of strategies and tactics of constitutional development, the creation of procedural and institutional mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of the constitution and further constitutional processes.

In conclusion, it is concluded that constitutional futurology and constitutional futurism allow to create a kind of road map to enhance the regulatory role of not only the constitution, but also the law as a whole, to create benchmarks for progress.

Keywordslegal futurism, legal futurology, constitutional futurism, constitutional futurology, trends in constitutional development, strategy and tactics of constitutional development, forecast of constitutional development, paradigm of the constitutional system, constitutional ideal, constitutional objectivity, constitutional congruence, constitutional effectiveness
Publication date24.05.2021
Number of characters47766
100 rub.
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