Legal aspects of ontology artificial intelligence

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 11

In article the analysis of ontologic approaches to a research of artificial intelligence is carried out. On the basis of the carried-out analysis the author of article draws a conclusion about need of new approaches to definition of the place and a role of various objects of robotics, neural systems, artificial intelligence for the system of the right and the system of the legislation. The legal ontology of this question is obligatory for the solution of a problem of implementation of the national program for development of artificial intelligence, its legal regulation. The conclusion about a possibility of determination of artificial intelligence as quasilegal entity is drawn.

Keywordslaw ontology, artificial intelligence, legal entity, right object, robots, neural networks, system of the law, system of the legislation
Publication date03.12.2020
Number of characters44862
100 rub.
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