The global crisis of modernity as a matter of Philosophy of Law

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 4

The development of mankind at the present stage can be fully characterized as a crisis. The global challenges facing humanity are not provided with sufficient ideological potential. In other words, humanity as a whole (this applies not only to Russia) has a global crisis of ideas about its further movement and response to modern challenges. This fully applies to the phenomenon of law. The destruction of the existing world order leads to a reduction in the ability of the means of International Law to ensure peace and good-neighbourly relations between States; attempts to extend their jurisdictions by some countries increase the already significant conflict potential of our time. The sphere of law is also being tested within the country; the law has become significant in scope, complex; it "invades" those areas that have traditionally been "assigned" to other regulators. The sharp increase in the number of laws adopted is not accompanied by the sustainability of decisions; the existing laws are constantly changing; against the background of the loss or reduction of many value orientations, increasing differentiation of subjects of regulation, this leads to a "gap" between the law and the regulated relations, the loss of the value of the law itself as a regulator of relations, the devaluation of the law and the law. In the article from the standpoint of interdisciplinary analysis an attempt is made to understand the modern crisis phenomena; some conclusions are proposed, which, in the author's opinion, can reverse the existing negative trends.

KeywordsPhilosophy of Law, law, lawmaking, legislative expansion, legal intervention, extraterritorial operation of law, sovereignty, cybersecurity, hedonism, legal equality
Publication date29.04.2019
Number of characters58426
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