The First Data on the Physico-Chemical Metamorphic Conditions of the Rocks of Ilyinovsky Complex (Trans-Uralian Uplift)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of geology of the Ufimian scientific centre
Address: Russian Federation, Ufa
Affiliation: LLC RPE "Chelgeo"
Address: Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk
Affiliation: Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of geology of the Ufimian scientific centre
Address: Russian Federation, Ufa
Affiliation: Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of geology of the Ufimian scientific centre
Address: Russian Federation, Ufa
Journal nameDoklady Akademii nauk
EditionVolume 482 Issue 6

A short description of geological structure of the Ilyinovsky metamorphic complex of the Transuralian Uplift is given, based on a study of a garnet-biotite paragenesis, widely developed among paragneisses and diaphtorites. Two stages of transformations of rocks are established. In the Early Proterozoic (Paleoproterozoic) time the sedimentary deposits undergone a metamorphism of amphibolite (cummingtonite-amphibolite) facies under temperatures 530-580°С and pressure 3,0-3,1 kbar , and then in the Late Riphean time, in connection with a structural reorganization of the Southern Urals – in conditions of the epidote-amphibolite facies (T=500-560°С, P=5,4-6,0 kbar).

KeywordsIlyinovsky Complex, Trans-Uralian Uplift, biotite, garnet, metamorphism, paragneisses, diaphtorites, PT-conditions of transformation
Publication date13.12.2018
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