The Idea of the United Europe in the Context of the History of Philosophy

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies; Editor-in-chief of the journals
North Carolina State University, USA
Studies in East European Thought
Russian Studies in Philosophy
Address: США, Северная Каролина
Occupation: Deputy Director for Research at the RAS Institute of Philosophy and Head of the Department of History of Western Philosophy
Affiliation: RAS Institute of Philosophy
Address: 12/1 Goncharnaya Str., Moskow 109240, Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 31 Issue №3

In his 1795 treatise "Toward Perpetual Peace," Immanuel Kant formulated his vision for an international world order founded on a confederation designed to facilitate peaceful international relations. Kant's ideas influenced not only the institutional make-up of the United Nations but also of the European Union. Along with Kant, such thinkers as Friedrich Nietzsche and Alexandre Kojève considered what international structure is optimal for the future of Europe. This discussion focuses on the philosophical origin of the idea of a united Europe and explores the state of its current implementation in Europe. The chapter examines the concepts of Kant, Nietzsche, Kojève, and other thinkers who grew critical of European culture and asked how relations between European nations may be best structured. The authors discuss the following questions: What are the philosophical origins of the European Union? To what extent do the European Union’s current practices reflect the ideas formulated by the above philosophers? How should the concept of “European citizenship” be understood? What is the relationship between the concepts of "national identity" and "European identity"? Is it possible for the European Union to function effectively while maintaining national identity in each of its member states?

Keywordsnational identity, idea of the united Europe, European values, European citizenship, international world order, Kant, Nietzsche, Kojève
Publication date30.06.2020
Number of characters98984
100 rub.
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