A Person Who is Coping, or Coping Well-Being of the Digital Generation

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Address: 55 Mira Ave., 644077 Omsk, Russian Federation
Affiliation: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Address: 55 Mira Ave., 644077 Omsk, Russian Federation
Affiliation: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Address: 55 Mira Ave., 644077 Omsk, Russian Federation
Affiliation: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Address: 55 Mira Ave., 644077 Omsk, Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 34 Issue 4

The article provides an overview of current foreign and Russian psychological studies that reveal the relationship between socially oriented coping-behavior of a person and subjective well-being. In this case, the latter acts not only as a product, but also as a prerequisite for choosing constructive ways of coping. The discussion is built around the discussion of the factors that mediate this connection, their significance for the younger generation on the example of schoolchildren and students, the specifics of the manifestation of well-being and coping in the virtual space. Key research questions: how are well-being and coping related among modern youth and do the digital generation require new forms of coping or their virtual counterparts for well-being? The novelty is connected with the search for the specifics of coping with the difficulties of young students as representatives of the new generation, the definition of new forms of coping or the modification of existing strategies, taking into account the peculiarities of life in modern society. The question is raised about the role of network communication, Internet space in the manifestation of symptoms of trouble and signs of well-being of the Internet user's personality in situations of frustrating challenges that change the environment and conditions of students' activities. The ambiguity of the available scientific results, their dependence on the cultural context and position of the authors, as well as the reality of the risks and resources of using cyberspace by young people to cope with life's difficulties are recognized. The interconnection between subjective well-being and coping expands the possibilities for organizing targeted work with young people to improve emotional well-being and life satisfaction. Research prospects are related to the development of the "online well-being" model, its methodological, methodological and empirical support.

Keywordscoping behavior, subjective well-being, online well-being, youth, schoolchildren, students, challenges, digital environment, network communication, risks, resources
Publication date03.09.2023
Number of characters15330
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