“Sovereign Personality”: Experience in Mainstreaming and Conceptualizing the Term

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Tambov State Technical University
Address: 106, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov 392000, Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 34 Issue 1

The article presents theoretical experience in solving the socio-philosophical problem of actualization and conceptualization of the term of “sovereign personality”. The author addresses the work of theorists of individual autonomy, who dealt with the problem of the philosophy of freedom, from the age of Enlightenment to the end of the 20th century. These works reveal two different approaches to understanding the sovereignty of the individual: egalitarian, combining social ideas of freedom and equality, and elitist, which is a variant of the theory of exclusive sovereignty. The article substantiates and presents the socio-philosophical formula of sovereignty, based on the three-component composition of individual freedoms and enriched by the theory of self-determination of a person as an exclusive subject of decision. The author sees significant differences between the concepts of “overeign personality” and “autonomous personality” for this formula. On the example of the discourse on autonomy and the historical and philosophical solution to the problem of defining the concept of “liberty”, fundamentally subordinative relations between sovereignty and autonomy of the individual are revealed. As a theoretical and methodological tool, the concept of “anthropological type” is introduced, which is necessary for understanding the sovereign personality as a specific type, as a kind of anthropological ideal, which has the freedom of maneuver in the development of individual tasks with the aim of freely transforming the world (H. von Keiserling) and following a certain existential code (E. Junger). The development of the theoretical foundations of the principle of sovereignty of the individual is considered by the author as a necessary initial phase of socio-philosophical research relevant in the light of the threats posed to human freedom by the merger of power deprived of humanistic potential and the latest control technologies.

Keywordssovereign personality; autonomy of personality; anthropological type; anthropological ideal; three concepts of liberty; libertarianism; anarchism
Publication date30.03.2023
Number of characters44285
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