The Third Memory

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 33 Issue 1

The paper is the result of long reflections on the essence and mechanisms of human memory. The complex phenomenon of memory is considered in the article from the perspective of various approaches, both natural science and human science, in which memory is understood either as a biological property, or as a social function, or as a cultural construct. The author puts forward a hypothesis that in the current age of high technologies we can talk about the formation of a third type of memory, some kind of artificial storage, in which personal and internal experiences coexist with a continuous flow of external information. The virtual nature of such a memory to a certain extent eliminates the usual opposition between the collective and the individual, and thereby not only expands the epistemological capabilities of a person, but also significantly corrects his existential parameters.

Keywordsmemory, intelligence, evolutionary approach, collective memory, artificial memory
Publication date14.03.2022
Number of characters35535
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