The Concept of Celestial Temple in the Early Judaic Culture (Evidence from the Apocalyptic Texts)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: 6 Miusskaya square, Moscow, Russian Federation, 125993
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 31 Issue №2

The article deals with the concept of the heavenly temple, which is important for the culture of early Judaism. The Jewish apocalyptic texts express the clearest expression of this concept. These texts are: 1 Enoch, Testament of Levi, 2 Enoch, Apocalypse of Abraham, 4 Ezra, 2 Baruch, 3 Baruch. The article contains an overview of the historical and cultural roots for the origin and development of the idea of the heavenly temple during this period, and overview of the role of apocalyptic literature for the culture of early Judaism. It describes in detail the main features of the image of the temple in apocalyptic texts: the structure of the temple, its connection with the Divine presence, connection with the priestly and liturgical traditions, with the idea of judgment, as well as how “true” reality is demonstrated through the image of the heavenly temple. On the basement of this review an attempt was made to demonstrate the significance of the heavenly temple concept for the culture of early Judaism, and its role was shown in preserving the idea of the inviolability of sacred space, in shaping and maintaining Israel’s national identity, in understanding Divine participation in history, and strengthening faith in the justice of God.

Keywordsheavenly temple, early Judaism, OT-apocrypha, Jewish apocalyptic, Maccabean revolt, destruction of the Second Temple
Publication date15.05.2020
Number of characters32424
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