Media Interchange Television Companies of Primorye and China (On the Example of the STRC «Vladivostok» and CCTV-R)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Post-graduate student of the Far Eastern Federal University
Affiliation: Far Eastern Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 12

The article is devoted to information relations between Russia and China.  At present, Russian science and the Russian media note the convergence of the two countries in the spheres of politics, economy, culture, and sport.  In the period of strengthening international relations, it seems necessary to assess the work of the media, as well as to present opportunities for professional interaction between the Russian and Chinese press.  The article analyzes the experience of two TV companies of Primorye and China (GTRK «Vladivostok» and CCTV-R).  Starting in 2013, these media regularly exchange information products.  The reports of China are broadcasted on the territory of Primorye, and the news of the Russian Far East is broadcasted by the state-owned television company CCTV-R.  The empirical base of the research was the information broadcasts of TV companies GTRK «Vladivostok» and CCTV-R.  On both TV channels, about 200 headings and news releases were broadcasted between 2015 and 2016.

The author concludes that media cooperation in the border areas has an informational relevance and establishes professional contacts between the journalistic corps of the two countries.  Regular media exchange is caused by economic, social and cultural reasons. But the most important task of such a medical exchange is to obtain reliable facts from reliable sources (especially in the field of politics, economics, ecology and medicine) and the exchange of personal contacts. Analysis of the regular media exchange between the TV companies of Russia and China (GTRK Vladivostok and CCTV-R) revealed common features of news content and preferred subjects: the work of border control agencies and military departments, environmental programs, emergency incidents.

Keywordsinformation transfer, TV in China, video sharing, ССТV-R
Publication date20.12.2018
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