Islamic political parties аnd the state

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor , Department of Oriental Studies, MGIMO-University
Affiliation: MGIMO (U) MFA of Russia
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 11

This article reviews the outlook of the leaders of Islamic political parties of the states of North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco) on the problem of the state government of Muslim state, the functioning of its system of state bodies, the role of the head of the state and interaction between the state and the society. The issue of the essence of the government and its religious understanding and interpretation has always been pending for the Islamic religion. At present, the idea of building of the state based on Islamic principles are being suggested in general by political parties, movements and its leaders who base principally on the ideology of Salafism. The modern theoretical developments of the ideal model of state government based on Islamic principles at present differ a lot from each other. Political leaders and Islamic thinkers cannot come to a consensus concerning the essence of such a state and the methods of achieving this objective. Frequently the diversity of opinions can be encountered in the same organization. However, according to political process in recent times in Arab countries, the victory of Islamic parties on the elections does not mean the building of the state based on the Sharia principles. To the contrary, becomes apparent the unsteadiness of the Islamic political design

KeywordsNorth Africa, state government, Islamic parties, personality and state
Publication date05.12.2018
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