Middle East Economic Development. Basic Tendencies

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 10

The paper considers the main tendencies of the Islamic Middle East countries' economic development. In view of the fact, the region is rather heterogeneous, the main focus is on the Persian Gulf states. However, nevertheless, to some extent all of the considered trends are relevant to most countries in the region. The analysis shows that in order to ensure the sustainable development of the countries in the region, it is therefore necessary to transform national economic systems so that they are much more open to innovative processes. This is the only way for the states of the Middle East and North Africa to cope with the challenges facing them. However, it should be understood that this is a complex process. After all, in this case, not only purely economic reforms are required, but also shifts in sociocultural paradigms. Global processes have a certain impact on the regional economies, gradually stimulating change. But this is not enough. It seems that only the systematic work of public authorities and public opinion leaders will achieve a significant effect.One of the most important tools in the process of such a complex transformation is the education system. According to the author's original concept, which is described in the paper, participation in the development of this system is quite possibly the key to strengthening Russia's role in the Middle East. It should be noted that this paper is nothing more than a statement of the problem. It is by no means a well-founded study of the trends discussed in this article.

Keywords Middle East, development trends, innovations, Russia
Publication date19.10.2018
Number of characters652
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