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10. 张召忠 反制菲占岛 只需用“包心菜”战略. 环球时. 27.05.2013. (Zhang Zhaozhong. To resist the Philippine occupation of the islands, you only need to use the "cabbage" strategy. Huanqiu shibao) (In Chin.)
11. 李宣良,反永强 洛扎:固边富民远在喜马拉雅。新华社31.10.2018 (Li Xuanliang. Fan Yongqiang Luozha: Strong borders and rich people far in the Himalayas, Xinhua) (In Chin.)
12. 习近平外交思想指引 党的外事工作取得光辉成就. 人民日报. 第7版. 03.07.2021. (Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy’s Brilliant achievements in the Party's work on international affairs. Renmin ribao, № 7) (In Chin.)
13. 中国军方已仁至义尽,印方勿再自欺欺人!青年报. 19.02.2021. (Chinese military men did everything possible, so Indian side does not lie! Qingnianbao) (In Chin.)