Vocational education in China and prospects of it's development

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Department of Media Linguistics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: ,
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 12

In the socio-economic development of modern China, one of the key roles is played by the issues of labor force placement and the improvement of the production structure, which requires the training of a large number of highly qualified specialists. In this regard, it is especially important to stimulate the development of vocational education. China has gone through several stages in the formation of a vocational training system and today is on the verge of new reforms in the industry.


This type of education has gone all the way from creation, expansion, to the quality development of the industry. Today it is the largest vocational training system for the population in the world. It covers 19 major industries and over 100 specialties, thus covering all areas of the national economy. Educational institutions for vocational training of the population of different levels are located in more than 300 cities in China and almost 3 thousand counties.


By 2030, a significant part of the China workforce will get older. That is why the concept of lifelong learning is now so actively supported by the country's authorities. It is obvious now that involving young people in vocational training and providing conditions for advanced learning is very important for the economic development of the country.



The article examines the current state of vocational education in the PRC, as well as the current problems, such as the lack of industry financing, mismatch between supply and demand on the market, and therefore the necessity of the curriculum reforms; besides the prospects for the development of this type of education are being analyzed. 

KeywordsChina, vocational education, labor force, education financing and management, curriculumum
Publication date09.12.2020
Number of characters23262
100 rub.
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