New trends in chinese ideology after the 18th Congress of the CPC

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Principal Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy RAS; Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences «Study of world socialism»; Advisor, International Confucian Association
Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
«Study of world socialism» Joural
International Confucian Association
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 10

The article discusses the issue of new trends in modern Chinese ideology. After the coming to power of the fifth generation of leaders of the China, Communist Party, the new General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping significantly changed the direction of the party’s ideological work, he not only continues the traditions of his predecessors to promote Sinicized Marxism. At the same time, he pays serious attention to the study of the works of the classics of Marxism, first of all, Karl Marx.

In recent years, China has widely promoted a complex of «basic values of socialism». They cover the entire spectrum of universal norms of morality of a person’s relationship with his family, society, state, moreover, embody value concepts and ideals that should become the norm of people’s behavior in modern Chinese society. The basic values of socialism are to one degree or another rooted in Chinese traditions. Therefore, when interpreting them, Chinese propaganda refers not only to the statements of the country’s leaders, but also to the authority of ancient thinkers, and uses an example from Chinese history.

The global projects of international cooperation put forward by Xi Jinping - «One Belt, One Road» and «Building a Community with the Common Destiny of Mankind», caused a great resonance in the world communit. The Chinese leadership calls on the peoples of all countries to unite in the face of a large number of challenges in the spheres of economy, politics, environmental security and build a community of the common destiny of mankind, pure and beautiful, where long-term peace, universal security, widespread prosperity, openness and mutual respect reign. Among the political elite in Europe and the United States, there are people who express doubts about the sincerity of the intentions of the Chinese leadership.

KeywordsChina, changes in the ideology of the CPC, attitude in China towards Marx and Marxism, basic values of socialism, global projects
Publication date22.10.2020
Number of characters45129
100 rub.
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