Republic of South Sudan: difficulties of the development

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Research Fellow
Affiliation: Centre for Sociological and Political Sciences Studies, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 1

The paper analyzes the reasons of prolongation of military operations in the Republic of South Sudan. The aim of the study is to show the urgent need for peace in South Sudan which is constantly balancing on the brink of peace and war. Despite the division of Sudan into two States: the Republic of Sudan (RS) and the Republic of South Sudan (RSS), the peace has not come to this long-suffering land. Another war started: between supporters of President S.Kiir and former Vice-President R.Machar. Military actions are resumed before they stop after the conclusion of the next peace agreements.The article deals with the step-by-step issue of separation of powers, because of which it was not possible to resolve the conflict. It is necessary to reform the interim Constitution, to establish parliamentary power, federalism and proportional representation in all authorities.The accent is made on the access of all rebel groups to the peace negotiation process.The author considers the problems of economic development of Republic of Sudan, explaining the difficulties of its growth by strong dependence on oil, the vulnerability of agriculture, the weakness of institutional and human capacity, narrow economic base and  dilapidated  infrastructure.  He  concludes,  that  all  these  shortcomings  must  be  guaranteed  to  be  eliminated.  Taking  into consideration the repeated official Declaration of hunger in the country, the author places emphasis on measures to ensure food security in the Republic of South Sudan.

KeywordsDependence on oil, comprehensive peace, economic diversification, infrastructure, prolonged war, food security
Publication date05.03.2020
Number of characters13551
100 rub.
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