Sinicized Marxism as the Theoretical Basis for the Work of the Chinese Communist Party

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Principal Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy RAS; Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences «Study of world socialism»; Advisor, International Confucian Association
Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
«Study of world socialism» Joural
International Confucian Association
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 12

The article discusses the creative approach of Chinese Marxists to the theoretical problems associated with the revolutionary process and the construction of socialism in the country. Sinicized Marxism has allowed the Communist party of China (CPC) to win the Kuomintang, and after 1949 successfully realize the modernization. Still (yet) in 1930-1940s, the CPC decisively breaks with the dogma - the conquest of power by armed uprisings in the cities and make stake on the peasantry. The  theory  of  socialism  with  Chinese  specificity  takes  into  account  the  socio-economic  and  ideological  and  cultural characteristics of Chinese society. This is evident in the policy of reform and openness that has been going on more than forty years. The CPC opposes the mechanical borrowing of the experience of socialist construction in the Soviet Union. It believes that the construction of a socialist society will take a long period - a hundred or more years. Therefore, all social stratas focused on national revival and the transformation of China into a powerful developed state should participate in this process. The innovative approach of the Chinese Communists is manifested in a number of the theoretical principles, successfully implemented in practice: the legalization of market relations and private property; the use of individual farms; the expansion of the social framework for party membership; emphasizing the special role of the intelligentsia by including it in the working class, and finally, the promotion of the principle of «one state - two systems» for Hongkong and Macau.  Sinicized marxism represents a major contribution to the General theory of Marxism, its development and enrichment.

KeywordsChina, Chinese Marxism, the role of the peasantry in society, market relations, criticism of the leftist approach to socialism, modern ideology of the CPC
Publication date13.12.2019
Number of characters57242
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