States of Sub-Saharan Africa at the Digital Age: to the Problem of the Ensuring of the Information Souvereignity

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 10

There has been undertaken the attempt of the detection of the true position of the states of Sub-Saharan Africa in the world information and communication space in the paper. The author comes to a conclusion that those countries don’t dispose an appropriate financial and technological base which would be sufficient for the creation of well-developed and self-reliant African informational and communicational space. This is why the only chance of bridging the digital gap for African countries still remains the extension of a flow of financial and technological aid from developed nations for the development of their ICT sector. But the excessive participation of Western countries in the construction of the African ICT industry actually strengthens the African countries’ dependence on their Western partners, producing a serious obstacle to the creation of the self-reliant African model of the information society and threatens their information sovereignty. That’s why nowadays it is extremely important not only to think how to implement new technologies into society but to ensure the information sovereignty which supposes the creation of the selfreliant  information and communication space in this or that country which would be independent from any external influence. Only the achievement of the information sovereignty can guarantee the ensuring of the independence of the State in the contemporary digital age.

KeywordsStates of Sub-Saharan Africa, Information Technologies, Information Sovereignty, Information Asymmetry, Information Security, Information Policy, Innovations
Publication date31.10.2019
Number of characters26750
100 rub.
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