Number of purchasers: 3, views: 1917
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2. Russia // The Observatory of economic complexity - D0%AD%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82 (accessed 15.02.2019)
3. Korotayev A. et al. Socio-Demographical Analysis of the Arab Spring // System Monitoring of the Global and Regional Risks. Arab Spring 2011. M., 2012 (In Russ.)
4. Monthly Real Food Price Indices // FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation) - http://typo3. worldfood/Reports_and_docs/Food_price_indices_data_deflated.xls (accessed 18.02.2019)
5. Matveev I. Russian businesses wary of Syria reconstruction investments // Al-Monitor, 26.03.2019 - (accessed 13.03.2019)
6. Syria, Russia sign protocol of Joint Syrian-Russian Commission’s 11th session // SANA, 14.12.2018 - (accessed 13.03.2019)
7. Russian companies return to the projects in Syria // Neftegaz, 06.07.2018 (In Russ.) - view/173068-Rossiyskie-kompanii-vozvraschayutsya-k-proektam-v-Sirii.-Geologorazvedka-vedetsya-na-sushe-i-na-shelfe (accessed 18.03.2019)
8. Mardasov A. Russia finds navigating new development tricky in Syria // Al-Monitor, 06.06.2018 - (accessed 19.03.2019)