Cameroonian university in the era of «Bolonization»

Код статьиS032150750003737-2-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Должность: Post-graduate student (Political Science)
Аффилиация: People’s Friendship University of Russia
Адрес: Moscow, Russia
Название журналаАзия и Африка сегодня
ВыпускВыпуск №2

This study is an analysis of the achievements and dynamics initiated within the Cameroonian university since the beginning of the process of Bolognization, created by the Declaration of the Sorbonne signed in 1998 by the ministers of higher education of four European countries: Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom. The Bologna process, commonly known as LMD, is seen as an adaptation of Cameroon to a new competitive global environment. It is true that there is an abundant literature that looks at the changes, challenges and crises that the higher education systems in Cameroon and Africa have experienced. Specifically, this is to present the business cycle that led to the implementation of the LMD system (Bachelor-Master-Doctorate, from French «LicenceMaster-Doctorat») in Cameroon and scrutinize the architecture of the Cameroonian university as it exists today without ignoring its impact in the Central African subregion. It is about understanding the issues and challenges related to the strategic management and organization that today’s higher education needs to face. This inevitably implies taking part in the debate on the transformations of Cameroonian higher education, which, over the past ten years, has experienced a certain change. The purpose of this contribution is to show that Cameroon’s link to the LMD system has led to considerable progress in skills production, infrastructural development and subregional integration. The author also wants to highlight the efforts of the Cameroonian government within the dynamics of the system.

Ключевые словаCameroon, university, Bolognization, modernization, cooperation, reform, internationalization
Дата публикации25.03.2019
Кол-во символов23438
100 руб.
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