Youth Policy in Egypt

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: PhD (Economics), Senior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russion Federation, 123001, Moscow, Spiridonovka Str., 30/1
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 8


The Arab spring emphasized the importance of youth policies to ensure national security in North African countries. The top political leaders of Egypt learned a lesson from what happened and put youth issues at the center of domestic politics. The article attempts to analyze the basic institutions and tools of Egyptian youth policy during Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s first presidential term.

The Nation’s Future Party, focused on work with youth, which was created in 2014, became the most important tool of the youth policy. It totals about 250 thousand members and has offices in all 27 governorates of Egypt. More than 90% of party members, including heads, are younger than 35 years. They take active part in public life of the country.

National youth conferences became an important tool of the new youth policy. President el-Sisi took an active part in their work. Tightening control over the activity of non-governmental organizations became one of the main directions of the youth policy in Egypt. For this purpose, the Law on Associations and Other Foundations Working in the Field of Civil Work No. 70 of 2017, which replaced the previous Law on Non-Governmental Organizations No. 84 of 2002, was adopted. Besides, much attention was paid to

the solution of the main economic problems of the Egyptian youth: to a housing problem and youth unemployment.

The Egyptian government achieved special progress in fight against unemployment, which sharply increased during «the Arab spring». In 2017 according to the International Labor Organization the general level of unemployment in Egypt decreased to 11,6%.

KeywordsEgypt, Nation’s Future Party, youth conferences, non-governmental organizations, housing problem, youth unemployment
Publication date14.10.2018
Number of characters468
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