Looking from Cairo: Egyptian-American relations (based on the Egyptian mass media)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Address: Russian Federation, ,
Affiliation: Associated Professor, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Address: EMPTY
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 7

The paper explores the peculiarities of the bilateral Egyptian-American relations in recent period, when a change of the highest political leadership in both states took place. Egypt as one of the most influential countries of the Middle East and North Africa occupies an important place in the Middle East policy of the United States. The new US administration has been developing a new strategy in the Middle East, including the ARE, trying to find new approaches to conducting its foreign policy course in the region. In the context of high-level diplomacy carried out by Washington and Cairo, the authors assess the level of these relationships as well as the steps taken by Egypt in the international arena, aimed at ensuring its own national interests, maintaining stability and security in the region. The factors influencing the level of bilateral cooperation, based on long-standing ties in the trade-economic and military-technical fields are also analyzed. The paper highlights the reasons for the observed «cooling» in Egyptian-American relations. As the Egyptian press notes, Washington is putting pressure on the Egyptian leadership, using issues related to democratization and human rights. The problem of Cairo’s choice of strategic partners is also considered. This process occurs in the context of the increasing complexity of the regional situation as well as the global one, characterized by dynamism and sometimes unpredictability. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of bilateral Egyptian-American relations at the present stage contained in the Egyptian mass media.

KeywordsKeywords: Egypt, the United States, bilateral relations, diplomacy, strategy, factors of influence
Publication date27.08.2018
Number of characters36154
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Additional sources and materials

1. Biryukov E. Ehtapy i instrumenty vneshnej politiki SShA na Blizhnem Vostoke // Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn'. 2016,
№ 11. S. 85-105. (Biryukov E. 2016. Stages and Instruments of the US Foreign Policy in the Middle East // International
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2. SShA - Egipet: pechal'nye itogi desyatiletij podchineniya. (USA - Egypt: disappointing results of subordination
decades)  (In  Russ.)  -  https://eadaily.com/ru/news/2017/04/14/ssha-egipet-pechalnye-itogi-desyatiletiy-podchineniya
(accessed 07.04.2018)
3. Daily News. Cairo. 18.03.2018.
4. Reuters: SShA ogranichat voennuyu pomosch' Egiptu iz-za narushenij prav cheloveka // Informatsionnoe agentstvo
Rossii. (Reuters: The United States will limit military aid to Egypt because of human rights violations // Russian News
Agency) (In Russ.) - http://tass.ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/4499490 (accessed 07.04.2018).
5. “We Do Unreasonable Things Here”. Torture and National Security in al-Sisi’s Egypt - https://www.hrw.org/report/
2017/09/05/we-do-unreasonable-things-here/torture-and-national-security-al-sisis-egypt (accessed 07.04.2018).
6. Al-Masry Al-Yaum. Cairo. 04.10.2017 (In Arab.); Al-Ahram. Cairo. 04.10.2017 (In Arab.)
7. Al-Masry Al-Yaum. Cairo. 13.09.2017, Al-Ahram. Cairo. 13.09.2017 (In Arab.) Daily News. Cairo. 13.09.2017.
8. MENA - Party Press Rewiew. Cairo. September 11, 2017, № 3111, pp.18-19.
9. Al-Ahram. Cairo. 12.09.2017 (In Arab.)
10. Al-Masry Al-Yaum. Cairo. 23.09.2017 (In Arab.); MENA - Party Press Rewiew. Cairo. September 25, 2017. r. 22.
11. Al-Masry Al-Yaum. Cairo. 28.09.2017 (In Arab.), (Al-Watan. Cairo. 23.09.2017 (In Arab.)
12. Pence delays Middle East trip in case his vote is needed on tax bill - https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/pencedelays-
e3c7ecfb4638_story.html?utm_term=.782b3518a0bb (accessed 10.04.2018)
13. Al-Masry Al-Yaum. Cairo. 20.01.2018 (In Arab.); Al-Ahram. Cairo. 20.01.2018 (In Arab.)
14. New Protests Erupt in Muslim, Arab World Against Trump’s Jerusalem Decision - https://www.voanews.com/a/
lebanon-protest-met-with-tear-gas-water-canons/4157244.html (accessed 10.04.2018)
15. Al-Ahram. Cairo. 16.02.2018 (In Arab.)
16. Vitse-prezident SShA i glava Egipta obsudili obstanovku na Blizhnem Vostoke (The US Vice-President and the
Head of Egypt discussed the situation in the Middle East) (In Russ.) - https://ria.ru/world/20180120/1513007218.html? (
accessed 07.05.2018)
17. Al-Shuruk. Cairo. 21.03.2018 (In Arab.)
18. Vitse-prezident SShA i glava Egipta obsudili obstanovku na Blizhnem Vostoke (The US Vice-President and the
Head of Egypt discussed the situation in the Middle East) (In Russ.) - https://ria.ru/world/20180120/1513007218.html?
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19. MID Egipta i mestnye khristianskie obschiny podvergli kritike amerikanskie plany po kontrolyu nad vossta-
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20. Al-Ahram. Cairo. 21.01.18.
21. Egipet poluchit ot SShA milliard dollarov na bor'bu s terrorizmom (Egypt will receive from the United States
a billion dollars to fight terrorism) (In Russ.) - https://news.ru/v-mire/egipet-poluchit-ot-ssha-milliard-dollarov-na-bor-bu-sterrorizmom/
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22. Daily News. Cairo. 18.03.2018.
23. SShA vydelili Egiptu milliard dollarov na bor'bu s terrorizmom (The US allocated a billion dollars to Egypt
to fight terrorism) (In Russ.) - http://tass.ru/ mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/4950896 (accessed 07.05.2018)
24. MENA - Party Press Rewiew. Cairo. February 15, 2018. Pp. 6-8.
25. Al-Ahram Weekly. Cairo. 21.03.2018.
26. Al-Shuruk. Cairo. 13.03.2018 (In Arab.)

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