Tone in grammar: What we already know and what we still don’t?

Publication type Article
Status Published
Russian State University for the Humanities
Moscow State University of Education
Address: 125993; 119991
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 4

In this paper, I provide an overview of tone encoding grammatical meanings, a phenomenon which to date has not been sufficiently studied either by typologists, or by theoretical morphologists. A starting point for the present discussion is the newly published volume “Tone and inflection” edited by Enrique L. Palancar and Jean Léo Léonard, a collection of papers focusing on inflectional tone in various languages, mainly Oto-Manguean. I discuss basic formal and semantic properties of tone in grammar, illustrating my claims with examples from “Tone and inflection” as well as with cases from various African languages. I propose and justify several implicational hypotheses concerning typological patterning of grammatical tones; these generalizations should be tested in a balanced survey in the future.

Keywordsderivation, implicational universals, inflection, morphology, morphosyntax, number, person, phonology, tone, typology
AcknowledgmentThis paper is written with financial support from the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, project 15-34-01237 «Morphosyntax of Kwa languages in areal context».
Publication date14.08.2017
Number of characters861
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