The Opening and Launch of Activities of the Chemistry Laboratory at the Polytechnic Museum (Late 19th – Early 20th Century)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Polytechnic Museum
Address: Moscow, Novaya pl., 3/4
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 43 Issue 1

This article is devoted to the history of emergence and development of the chemistry laboratory at the Moscow Museum of Applied Knowledge (Polytechnic Museum), one of the oldest laboratories in Moscow and the first of the Museum’s laboratories. Its creation was predetermined by the following important factors: rapid development of natural science in the second half of the 19th century, introduction of obligatory laboratory practice in the natural science curriculum at higher education institutions, and the fact that the Museum founders believed that laboratories had to be in place at the Museum as one of the ways of delivering its educational goals and promoting dissemination of technology knowledge. The Polytechnic Museum’s chemistry laboratory was modelled after the laboratories of Western European museums. The decisive role in the organization of the laboratory belonged to I. P. Arkhipov, chemical engineer, member of the Museum Organization Committee and director of the Museum’s technology department. In the years that followed, the renowned chemists V. V. Markovnikov and I. A. Kablukov were extensively involved in the work of the laboratory.


Initially the laboratory played an auxiliary role and was only used to prepare demonstration experiments; later on, the scope of its functions broadened. In the course of the time, the laboratory became increasingly involved in the Museum’s overall work, one of the main lines of which was the acquisition of museum items.


After the Polytechnic Museum moved to its own building, the chemistry laboratory was organized and equipped like the most advanced European laboratories. With necessary instruments and equipment in place, it could provide space and necessary conditions for the experimental and research work to those interested. By the early 20th century the works at the chemistry laboratory were mostly associated with the Museum’s instructional and educational activities as well as with the formation of its collections. Research was conducted at the laboratory only sporadically. The Museum’s chemistry laboratory also acted as a resource and methodology center for educational work, where new demonstration experiments in chemistry were developed and the methodologies for conducting these experiments were honed.

Keywordschemical laboratory, Polytechnic Museum, Moscow Museum of Applied Knowledge, museum collections, demonstration experiment, I. P. Arkhipov, P. P. Petrov, Vl. R. Williams, V. V. Markovnikov, I. A. Kablukov
Publication date28.03.2022
Number of characters55373
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