Central Geographical Museum: The Beginnings

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Ul. Baltiyskaya, 14
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 125315, Russian Federation, Moscow, Ul. Baltiyskaya, 14
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 42 1

This article is devoted to the 175 th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Geographical Society (“RGO”), the 150 th anniversary of birth of a prominent Russian scientist V. P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, and the centenary of the Central Geographical Museum that was organized by him in Leningrad (“TsGM”) and existed from 1919 to 1941. Based on the analysis of literature devoted to the TsGM and the people who contributed to its creation, the authors have attempted to reconstruct the historical and cultural context that was conducive for the emergence of the project of geographical park-museum, to show what distinguished it from other museums of this kind, and to review the contribution of each of its founders to its creation. The article also reviews the context in which the concept of an open-air museum was conceived; Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky’s activities prior to his involvement in museum work and the reasons behind his appointment as organizer and head of the Museum; the impact of ideas of V. I. Lamanskii, chair of the RGO’s Ethnographic Section, on the nature of the Museum exposition; the international and national museum experience drawn upon during the creation of the TsGM; and the role of the RGO and its members in the creation and work of the Museum.

KeywordsCentral Geographical Museum, Russian Geographical Society, V. P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, open-air museums
Publication date29.03.2021
Number of characters26897
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