The metamorphoses of Ernst Haeckel’s image in the Russophone space: 1869–2019

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 40 3

This article aims to trace the evolution of the perception of E. Haeckel by the Russian authorities, various social groups and scientists, depending on the sociocultural context and the stage of evolutionary synthesis. In Russia, many scientists initially perceived Haeckel as a German Darwin. However, Haeckel’s philosophical and ideological works prevailed among numerous translations of his works into Russian and were prohibited by the imperial authorities and criticized by conservative circles while the radicals tried to use them in their ideological and political struggle and antireligious propaganda. The main source of diffusion of his ideas and concepts into the Russophone space was the scientific literature concerned with the problems of correlation of ontogeny and phylogeny, trends and pathways of macroevolution, progress criteria, abiogenesis, anthropogenesis etc. Many of his notions and concepts were recognized to be of universal cultural importance. To an extent, they predetermined the distinguishing features of evolutionary synthesis in the Russian-speaking world. After the 1917 Revolution, numerous attempts were made in Russia to use Haeckel’s monism to dialecticize natural science, defend the principle of the inheritance of acquired characters, and substantiate the Lysenkoism. However, for almost 80 years his books have not been published in Russian, and his works have never been subjected to a serious history-of-science study. The metamorphoses of E. Haeckel’s image in the Russian-speaking world reflect a complicated path of perception of his works, determined by the established national scientific traditions, development of knowledge about evolution, and changing ideological and political contexts.

KeywordsHaeckel, image, sociocultural context, publications, editions, translations, censorship, Darwinism, evolutionary synthesis, monism, tektology, Lysenkoism
Publication date09.09.2019
Number of characters77528
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