Kosino lakes as a craddle of Russian limnology: The history of the Kosino Biological Station and Kosino Nature Reserve

Title (other)
Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Ul. Baltiyskaya, 14, Moscow, 125315, Russia
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 40 2

The Kosino lakes comprise a group of three small lakes (Chernoye, Beloye, and Svyatoe) located in the Moskva River catchment area. Since the late 1980s, these lakes have been attracting much attention of hydrobiologists, hydrologists and limnologists. It was back in the late 19th century that the Kosino lakes were regarded as sanctuaries and served as a base for scientific research. In 1908, G. A. Kozhevnikov set up the Kosino Biological Station of the Moscow Society of Naturalists (MOIP) on the shore of the Beloye Lake. Initially, the research objective consisted in a comparative study of physicogeographical conditions and biology of the three lakes. Since 1923, however, when the Kosino Nature Reserve was created in the area adjacent to the lakes and the Biological Station was headed by L. L. Rossolimo, the studies became more in-depth, complex and multidisciplinary: the survey was carried out and the maps of the lakes were prepared; the studies encompassed the thermal and gas regimes of the lakes, bottom sediments, and flora and fauna. Many renowned scientists participated in these studies, including N. K. Deksbakh, L. L. Rossolimo, G. G. Vinberg, and others. The results of these studies to a large extend determined the development of limnology as a discipline and allowed Rossolimo to define the main objectives and tasks for the Soviet limnology. After the Kosino Biological Station was closed in 1941 as well as the Kosino Nature Reserve, the change in the status of these reservoirs and the adjacent territory soon became reflected in the lake’s environmental state. However, these nature objects continued to interest scientists and, beginning with the late 1960s scientific research was resumed in the area of the Kosino lakes. Presently, the lakes comprise a natural and cultural phenomenon of the Moscow region. This paper is devoted to the history of the Kosino Biological Station and the Kosino Nature Reserve and their role in the emergence and development of limnology in the Russian Empire and USSR.

KeywordsKosino Biological Station, Kosino Nature Reserve, Kosino lakes, limnology, hydrobiology, G. A. Kozhevnikov, L. L. Rossolimo.
Keywords list (other)
Publication date20.06.2019
Number of characters41888
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