Pavel Vladimirovich Ototskii (Ototzky) in the years of his emigration (1918–1954)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 40 1

The main periods in the life and scientific work of Pavel Vladimirovich Ototskii (Ototzky, Otockij), a pupil of V. V. Dokuchaev, a renowned soil scientist and hydrogeologist, and the founder of the “Pochvovedenie [Soil Science]” journal, in the years of his emigration (1866–1954) are reconstructed in this paper, based on the documents from the archives in Russia, Czechia, and the USA as well as on lesser-known published documents. Ototskii ended up in emigration, having left Russia in 1918 to go on an international secondment and not retuning to his home country. During his life abroad, the scientist’s scientific interests mostly focused on soil hydrology and hydrogeology. He participated in the work of the Russian émigré organizations in Prague such as the Russian Institute, Czech-Russian Professors’ Housing and Construction Partnership, etc. On the whole, however, Ototskii’s scientific activities in emigration were relatively few due to his being detached from his familiar scientific environment, the difficulties of living away from his home country, and family reasons. His collaboration with Czech scientists was also very limited despite his fundamental treatise on groundwaters having been published in Czech in 1926. Nevertheless Ototskii represented Czechoslovakia at the congresses of the hydrological sciences section of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union (1927) and the International Society of Soil Science (1932). In the early years of living abroad, he kept in touch with his colleagues who stayed in Russia but, eventually, this communication stopped. During World War II, Ototskii lived in Prague but he did not discredit himself by collaborating with Nazis. In 1948, he was granted the permit to join his daughter in Sweden, where he passed away in 1954.

KeywordsP. V. Ototskii (Ototzky, Otockij), history of soil science, Russian scientific emigration, Czechoslovakia, Sweden
Publication date27.03.2019
Number of characters53828
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