About an Unpublished Assyrian Cylinder Seal (MMA 1999.325.90)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 83 Issue 4

Assyrian seal MMA 1999.325.90 from the Metropolitan Museum of Art has never been the subject of study previously. As can be established from its photograph, published by H. Pittman in an online course on the history of Mesopotamian art, the seal dates back to the Middle Assyrian period and contains a unique two-register composition, which represents the triumph of the Assyrian king over Kassite Babylonia. Iconographic details and parallels allow us to date it to the 13th century BC, and historical considerations and comparison with royal inscriptions prompt a correlation with the capture of Babylon by Tukulti-Ninurta I. The seal is a valuable source for the study of the Middle Assyrian army, as well as the art of this period.

Keywordsglyptics, Middle Assyrian period, Kassite Babylonia, fez, chariots, Tukulti-Ninurta I
Publication date28.12.2023
Number of characters45466
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