Territorium: A Study in the History of the Municipal System in the Cities of Hispania, 5th–7th Centuries

Publication type Article
Status Published
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 83 Issue 2

The article is devoted to the history of rural area (territorium) of the cities of Roman Hispania of the fifth ‒ seventh centuries AD with a special attention to the evolution of the terminology and to the continuity of social institutions formed in the system of ancient municipal communities. It is emphasized that the destructive processes of the fifth – seventh centuries and the disappearance of the main municipal institutions (curiae, comitia, magistraсies) did not touch the territorium. In the situation of replacement of the Roman municipal community by the ecclesiastical community the territorium preserved its ancient configuration, administrative functions and the forms of economic and social life, including the forms of space development, land property organization and meetings (conventus) of the rural population (vicini). The activity of these conventus was a natural consequence of the municipal collectivism, which requires that the decision-making process had to be done publicly (publice). The spread of Christianity with its collectivistic values became an additional factor which increased this tendency. The Barbarian settlement in the fifth century did not change the situation, since the Barbarians fitted into the Late Roman system of landowning and into the social organization of Roman Hispania like a new military elite.

Keywordsterritorium, Roman Hispania, municipium, vicini, the Great Migrations period, rural community, conventus
AcknowledgmentMinistry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation grant no. 075-15-2022-326
Publication date29.06.2023
Number of characters67592
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Система Orphus
