«The End of Eternity» as a Theological Category in the Egyptian Eschatology

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 83 Issue 2

The text Dendara IX, 152.15 mentions two epithets of Horus of Behdet: km nHH ‘end of eternity’ and n mrH=f ‘immortal’, where the category of ‘eternity’ is opposed to ‘immortality’. The present study contains a lexicographical and contextual review of the sources on the divine epithet km nHH ‘end of eternity’. The commentary aims to trace the evolution of forms and features of the verbal formula r km nHH / r km Dt ‘until eternity ends (until the end of eternity)’ up to its transformation into a theological category. The nominal form km nHH ‘end of eternity’ is attested only in Dendara IX, 152.15 and Edfou VII, 270.1. These texts for the first time identify the god with the beginning and the end of eternity, although he is usually characterized as ‘the beginning and the end’ of the gods. In addition, the term km ‘total’ in the title km nHH ‘end of eternity’ shows the god not just as an abstract limit of eternity, but as a force that destroys eternity as a negative element. The history of the title km nHH ‘end of eternity’ is an example of transformation of a feature of mythological rhetoric into a theological concept that opposes time to space of eternal life.

Keywordslate Egyptian religion, Ancient Egyptian eschatology, mythology of Horus, Dendara
Publication date29.06.2023
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Система Orphus
