Religious Life of Caucasian Albania: Christianity vs Zoroastrianism

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Daghestan Federal Research Center of RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Makhachkala
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 82 Issue 3

Sasanian period in the history of Caucasian Albania is characterized by its close interaction with Iran in the religious and ideological sphere, which took place within the framework of political contacts and has been marked since the first decades of the establishment of the Sasanian dynasty in Iran. After the signing of the Edict of Milan (AD 313), which proclaimed religious tolerance in the territory of the Roman Empire and was an important step towards the transformation of Christianity into the official religion of the Empire, Armenia, and then Iberia and Albania declared Christianity as their state religion, and this was regarded by Iran as their political and ideological subordination to Rome. Certain periods in the history of Albania are characterized by a tough confrontation between two religious systems. But at the same time, the main trend in the relationship between Christianity and Zoroastrianism in the East Caucasus was characterized by relative tolerance and was due to the geopolitical significance of the region, Iran’s internal policy, the emerging diplomatic situation and other factors.

KeywordsCaucasian Albania, Sasanian Iran, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Monophysitism, Diophysitism, religious struggle
Publication date26.09.2022
Number of characters60838
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Fig. 1. King of the Albanians Urnair (on a black horse) and Shahanshah Shapur II (on a white horse) at the head of the army at the Battle of Dzirav in 371. Miniature from the manuscript of Kalankatuat (Рис.1.jpg, 739 Kb) [Download]

Fig. 2. Seal impress of Aswahen, King of Albania (ca. 415–440) (on: Gadjiev 2021). (Рис.2.jpg, 158 Kb) [Download]

Fig. 3. Seal of the Great Catholicos of Albania and Balasakan, early 6th c. (on: Gadjiev 2021). (Рис.3.jpg, 71 Kb) [Download]

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