The Coffin of Tamin from the collection of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Affiliation: Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Moscow, 125009 Moscow Mochovaja 11 Russia
Occupation: Associate professor
Affiliation: Russian Orthodox University
Address: Sojuzniy prospekt, 12-2-122
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 81 Issue 2

The authors of this article presented a new publication of Tamin’s coffin from the collection of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. The article describes in detail how the coffin became part of the Museum’s collection. Based on the translation and analysis of the inscriptions on Tamin’s coffin, and on the comparison of these inscriptions with similar texts on other coffins, the authors suggest that the origin of this object is Akhmim. The distinctive stylistic and paleographic features of the inscription, the language and errors encountered in the text, the titles and epithets also allow us to date the coffin to the Ptolemaic period. Comparison of Tamin’s coffin with other similar objects, namely, with Tasheretmin’s and Hentykhetyemhotep’s coffins, as well as with a whole group of other stone sarcophagi, allows us to determine the possible date of the Moscow object more accurately: the end of the 3rd – first half of the 2nd centuries BC.

KeywordsPtolemaic period, Akhmim, coffins, offering list, Tamin
AcknowledgmentRussian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) grant "The complex analysis and attribution of unique museum objects with application of modern natural-science methods (on materials of collections of Scientific Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, MSU)" № 17-29-04125; Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) grant "From the Nile to the Caucasus: G. Zereteli and his papyrus collection" № 20-59-14002
Publication date28.06.2021
Number of characters52819
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The Tamin’s coffin and the other Achmimian analogies. 2.1. The Tamin’s coffin 2.2. The Tagemenhor’s coffin. Private collection 2.3. The Tasheretmin’s coffin. Private collection. (Drawings by E. Toma (илл_2-new.jpg, 486 Kb) [Download]

The Tamin’s coffin (photo by K. Samurskiy) (илл._1-new.jpg, 415 Kb) [Download]

The Tamin’s coffin. The Mask (photo by A. Muchina) (илл.3.jpg, 1,019 Kb) [Download]

The inscription from the Tamin’s coffin (photo by K. Samurskiy) (Илл.4..jpg, 1,187 Kb) [Download]

The facsimiles of the coffin’s inscriptions: 5.1. Tasheretmin. 5.2. Tamin. (Drawings by E. Tomacheva). 5.3. Drawing of the Hentykhetyemhotep’s inscription (after Randall-Maciver D., Mace A.C. 1902, XX (илл._5..jpg, 1,108 Kb) [Download]

The anthropoid stone sarcophagi. 6.1. The sarcophagus from Cairo Museum (drawing after Buhl 1959, 48, fig. 12), 6.2. The sarcophagus from Cairo Museum (drawing after Buhl 1959, 49, fig. 14), 6.3. The (илл._6.jpg, 204 Kb) [Download]

The inscription from the Tamin’s coffin. Fragment (photo by K. Samurskiy). (илл._7.jpg, 479 Kb) [Download]

The mummy of Tamin (photo by K. Samurskiy). (илл._8-new.jpg, 847 Kb) [Download]

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