Organization of Animal Husbandry in Sumer: the Case of Girsu at the End of the Third Millennium B.C.

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Affiliation: The State Hermitage Museum
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii

The present study deals with animal husbandry in Sumer at the end of the third millennium B.C. It is based on documents from the institutions specializing in fattening аnimals for cultic purposes in the province of Girsu at the time of the Third dynasty of Ur. A group of Neo-Sumerian documents referring to the daily supply of fodder for the animals at the sheep-pen é-udu gibil is discussed in details, and an attempt is made to determine their date. On the basis of the evidence of another kind of documents – inspection lists of workers – it is suggested that several fattening sheep-pens (é-udu) in Girsu were in fact departments of one single institution called é-kurušda ĝír-suki.

KeywordsMesopotamian economy, Neo-Sumerian documents, administration, animal husbandry, Girsu
Publication date23.12.2019
Number of characters74881
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