Book Review: K. Romanov. Introduction to Canadian Studies

Publication type Review
Source material for review Романов К.С. Введение в канадоведение. Для российских студентов. Учебное пособие. М.: ИД «Международные отношения», – 20
Status Published
Occupation: Doctor of Science (History), Full Professor at the Department of American Studies
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameUSA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura
EditionIssue 12

The article deals with Dr. Konstantin Romanov’s English-language textbook for those Russian students who are making first steps in Canadian Studies. It is noted that for the first time a Russian Canadianist has produced a comprehensive study that gave a general and complex view of Canada and Canadians, and at the same time contained a lot of original material, interesting not only for students but also for professionals. It is concluded that Konstantin Romanov’s work went beyond the standard textbook and was a large-scale scientific work, which would be in demand by a wide and diverse reader’s audience. It also contains some recommendations on possible expansion and addition of the manual. 

KeywordsCanadian Studies, History of Canada, Canadian Politics and Foreign Policy, Canadian Identity, Canadian Society, Multiculturalism
Publication date28.12.2018
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1. Akimov Y.G., 2000. Sovremennoe kanadskoe obshhestvo [Contemporary Canadian Society]. Saint-Petersburg: Petropolis Publishing House, 88 p. (In Russ.)

2. Nohrin I., 2016. Mezhjetnicheskie otnoshenija i nacional'naja ideologija v Kanade v novoe vremja [Interethnic Relations and National Ideology in Canada in Modern Era]. Cheliabinsk: Encyclopedia Publishing House, 156 p. (In Russ.)

3. A Passion for Identity: Introduction to Canadian studies, 1987 / Ed. by E. Mandel and D. Taras. Toronto: Methuen, 413 p.

4. Romanov K., 2017. Introduction to Canadian Studies. For Russian Students. Moscow, 314 p. (In English)

5. Understanding Canada: a Multidisciplinary Introduction to Canadian Studies, 1982 / Ed. by W. Metcalfe. New York: New York University Press, 621 p.

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