«Soft» and «Tough» Strategies of Social Control Drug Use

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of Human Resources Department
Affiliation: Ural Institute of Management
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Ural Institute of Management
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Ural Institute of Management
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 11

«Soft» and «tough» social control strategies and social attitudes toward drug addicts are discussed in the article. The risks of criminalizing of drug users increase the latency of their community, hindering prevention of drug addiction. The article presents an assessment of the effectiveness of soft and tough social strategies of drug addicts in the minds of the Russian regional society – the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra (KhMAO-Ugra). Although supporters of «soft tactics» remain a minority, their share is growing, forming social support for the transition from punitive methods of counteracting drug use to the priority of social prevention and human rights protection.

Keywordssocial control, drug addiction, drug use control, forced treatment, social prevention
Publication date12.12.2018
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