National Sociological Heritage: Clarifying Evaluative Optics

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Belarusian State University
Sociological Institute of FCTAS RAS
Address: Belarus; Russia
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 11

The article offers a brief analysis of the formation of sociology in Russia, different, sometimes contrasting estimates of Russian sociological heritage - from the recognizing its theoretical dependence on the Western liberal mainstream, to a complete denial of the need for relationships with the West, due to the uniqueness of the Russian civilization development. The periods of development of Russian sociology are singled out, as well as the circulation of innovative ideas and theories within each period, which had their own value. Sociologists in each period created original ideas, some of which can still serve the development of Russian sociology and be included in the world sociological heritage. Given the rethinking of the sociological heritage, the conclusion is made about the need to search for theoretical innovations with the goal of providing an adequate understanding of the main problems of today's Russia and prospects for its future development.

KeywordsRussian, Soviet and world sociology, sociological heritage, cancel culture, mainstream, Eurocentrism.
Publication date11.01.2024
Number of characters29686
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