Social Meanings as a Subject of Sociological Analysis

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 9

The article deals with the expediency to expand the study of the meanings of social action by data on the meanings of the sociocultural environment which affect socially significant processes and events. The topicality of the theme is explained by a widespread practice of designing the meanings of long-term latent action in the current information wars aimed at qualitative changes in the "pictures of the world" (social perceptions) of millions of people. The concept of "the meaning of the sociocultural environment" is seen as a constant multi-level virtual structure (construct) of interconnected communicative-cognitive programs, focused on the intentionality ("equilibrium motives and goals") of the communicator. Key characteristics and features of the analysis of such meanings are discussed: principles of the motive-target organization of their latent structures; understanding the meaning as a mental understanding of the organization of the motive-target structure; socio-mental groups that differ in their skills to understand intentions of communicator. Monitoring peculiarities of the impact by the meanings of the sociocultural environment on socially significant facets of the "picture of the world" in different groups of people, including sociomental groups, will increase ability to understand and predict vectors and trends of socially significant processes.

Keywordsmeaning, intention, intentionality, semio-sociopsychology, motive-targeted structure, understanding, socio-mental groups, socio-cultural environment, views of the world
Publication date27.09.2021
Number of characters27482
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